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“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.” — Leo Buscaglia

Villages are communities of belonging, supporting individuals to thrive in community. They promote neighbor-to-neighbor support and community connectivity, enhance interdependence and healthy living, and are run by volunteers and/or paid staff. Members engage in projects to improve their communities through volunteering, advocating, and creating solutions to community issues.

Villages are constantly evolving to their communities’ unique and changing needs. However, they are all cost-effective models serving as entry-level for the continuum of care in their communities. This is especially true for older adults in Florida’s rural areas, where the distance to healthcare providers impacts “healthspan”.

In the United States, approximately 300 local villages already exist, doing the work to connect members to a wide range of practical support services and promoting active living with recreational, social, educational, and cultural programs, as illustrated below. Villages form key partnerships, provide resources and referrals, and are an important resource for strengthening their communities.




Village Movement California is an example of how the power of community can create society-wide change in the way we age. 

Watch the short video to learn about its value, mission, and services offered by its 43 member villages to older adults across the State.


If you are an individual or organization interested in the possibility of creating a village in your community, UPLIFT encourages you to contact us at [email protected].